Partner With Us

Make Tech More Inclusive

We made your search for new talents much easier!
Join us and take a meaningful role in training the next generation in Tech industry.
Let's Talk!
The Google & Reichman Tech School: Building a Bridge into Tech

The Google & Reichman Tech School is a first-of-its-kind education venture that creates opportunities for individuals of all backgrounds to become the next generation of the Israeli high-tech industry.
We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to succeed, regardless of their background or identity.

  • Mission– Drive innovation and excellence through inclusion
  • Concept– Israel’s first-and-only inclusive tech campus
  • Faculty– Reichman University Professors & industry experts
  • Students– Diverse ethnic, gender & socioeconomic backgrounds
  • ProgramsFull stack web Development, Data Analyst, Digital Marketing, Cyber, Cloud
Our Graduates. Your Next Best Hires
  • You can have access to a fresh and diverse talent pool with an industry-focused skillset and a fast-learning curve.
  • Our graduates possess an exceptional blend of academic knowledge and hands-on experience, which together create a profound understanding of the tech ecosystem.
  • They will bring a deep understanding of the tech ecosystem, as they learned the most recent technologies, industry best practices, and emerging trends.
  • What truly sets our graduates apart is their ability to effortlessly integrate into your organization and deliver value from day one.

Ways to Collaborate

Companies who partner with us can benefit from a wide range of collaboration opportunities:

Hire our graduates

We made your search after new juniors much easier now! You'll get the highest quality of juniors in the field.

Create your own program

Sponsor one of our programs in your company's spirit. You will be given the opportunity to turn your experience into practical training.

Give a guest lecture or host a meetup

Share your knowledge by giving or hosting workshops, lectures, or meetups.

Become a mentor

Provide personal guidance for participants. Supporting them at the beginning of their professional careers and assisting them in integration into the industry.

Our unique value
  • Best of both worlds – Bringing academy and industry together for a first ever unique training program!
  • Based on the expertise and achievements of Reichman University- where graduates hold top positions in the industry and earn the highest salaries. Additionally, our WebDev program is based on a previous program- “WeCode”, which received international awards and achieved 95% placement.
  • Our students earn their place in the school through a competitive selection process and a commitment to maintaining an exceptional academic performance.
  • We offer an innovative learning experience with the best lecturers in the industry and at the academy, ensuring quality and excellence.
  • In our school individuals from all walks of life come together to learn, collaborate, and break through barriers. Our commitment to inclusivity fosters a sense of community and a shared purpose, empowering students to bring and be their best.
  • Our school meets the needs of your company while ensuring high quality supervision. We offer an up to date, practical, fast, and targeted program.

Partners From the Industry

NGO and Public Sector